170+ Funny Apple Puns & jokes A Fruitful Feast of Laughter

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Written By thomas

Want to add some crunch to your conversations? Get ready to take a juicy bite out of these apple-solutely hilarious puns and jokes! Whether you’re looking to sweeten up your social media posts or core-dially impress your friends with some fruity humor, we’ve picked the freshest batch of apple wordplay. These puns are ripe for sharing and guaranteed to keep the doctor – and boredom – away!

Sweet & Simple Apple Puns 🍏

  • What did the apple say to its sweetheart? You’re the apple of my eye!
  • Why did the apple go to therapy? It had too many core issues!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite kind of car? A Macintosh!
  • How does an apple get to work? It takes the Pine-apple Express!
  • What did the apple say when it won the race? That was ap-peel-ing!
  • Why don’t apples tell jokes while growing? They’re afraid of leaf-ing people hanging!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite game? Fruit ninja!
  • How do apples ask for help? They send out an SOS (Save Our Seeds)!
  • What did the apple say to the pie maker? You’ve got some filling shoes to fill!
  • Why was the apple blushing? Because it saw the salad dressing!

Orchard Humor & Wordplay 🌳

  • What’s an apple farmer’s favorite social media? InstaGram of Seeds!
  • Why did the apple tree go to the dentist? It needed a root canal!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite television show? The Walking Red Delicious!
  • How do apples propose? With a fresh picked en-gage-ment ring!
  • Why don’t apples like bullies? They don’t appreciate being picked on!
  • What did the apple tree say to the wind? Stop trying to leaf me alone!
  • How do apples celebrate? They throw a Gala!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite band? The Red Hot Chili Pippins!
  • Why did the apple go to school? To become a smarterphone!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite sport? Core-ate!

Apple Tech Jokes πŸ’»

  • What did the iPhone say to the apple? You’re my ancestor!
  • Why did the apple download antivirus software? It didn’t want to get a Mac attack!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite website? Facebook Seed!
  • How does an apple browse the internet? Using Safari fruits!
  • What did the apple say to Steve Jobs? Thanks for making me iconic!
  • Why don’t apples like Android? They’re more into their core operating system!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite app? Snapchat with Seeds!
  • How do apples store data? In the iCloud orchard!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite coding language? Swift!
  • Why did the apple become a programmer? It wanted to create new ap-plications!

Apple Food Puns πŸ₯§

  • What did the apple say to the baker? You’re pie-fect!
  • Why did the apple go to culinary school? It wanted to become a master chef’s main in-cider!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite restaurant? The Core-ner CafΓ©!
  • How do apples order at restaurants? They ask for the core course!
  • What did the apple say to the cinnamon? We make a great pair!
  • Why don’t apples like fast food? They prefer home-cooked meals from their roots!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite dessert? Crumble and humble pie!
  • How do apples serve drinks? With a twist of lime and a splash of ap-peel!
  • What did the apple say to the caramel? You make me feel so sticky sweet!
  • Why did the apple become a food critic? It had refined taste buds!

Classic Apple Dad Jokes πŸ˜„

Classic Apple Dad Jokes πŸ˜„
  • What did the apple say when it got hurt? Ouch, that’s gonna leaf a mark!
  • Why did the apple go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite exercise? Core training!
  • How do apples end their prayers? Amen-darin!
  • What did one apple say to the other on Valentine’s Day? You’re the apple of my pie!
  • Why did the apple join the circus? It wanted to be a juice-gler!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite movie? The Sound of Fruit-sic!
  • How do apples greet each other? With a fresh picked high-five!
  • What did the apple say when it won the lottery? This is the seed of my dreams!
  • Why did the apple go to the gym? To work on its core strength!
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Crispy Apple One-Liners πŸ₯Š

  • Why did the apple start meditating? It needed inner peas!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite dance move? The twist and seed!
  • How do apples take selfies? With their Apple iCore X!
  • Why was the apple so popular? It had great ap-peel!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite book? Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers of Fruit!
  • How do apples stay fit? Core-dio exercises!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite song? Sweet Home Ala-banana!
  • Why did the apple go to college? To get its PeachD!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite sport? Basket-fall!
  • What did the apple say at bedtime? Sweet dreams, honey crisp!

Apple Love Stories πŸ’

  • What did the apple say on its first date? You make my core skip a beat!
  • How do apples propose? Will you be the pip to my core?
  • What’s an apple’s idea of romance? A candlelit dinner at the or-chard!
  • Why did the apple blush? Because orange you sweet!
  • What did the apple write in its love letter? You’re one in a melon!
  • How do apples show affection? With sweet nectarines of love!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite romantic movie? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Rind!
  • Why did the apple go speed dating? It was looking for its main squeeze!
  • What’s an apple’s perfect date? Anything that’s ap-peeling!
  • How do apples break up? They stop speaking to each seed other!

Apple Weather Jokes β›…

  • What did the apple say during the storm? This weather is ap-palling!
  • How do apples stay cool in summer? They go to the juice bar!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite season? Fall, of course!
  • Why did the apple wear sunscreen? To avoid getting peeled!
  • What do apples do on rainy days? They stay in-cider!
  • How do apples handle snow? They wear their winter peels!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite forecast? Cloudy with a chance of seedballs!
  • Why did the apple carry an umbrella? It didn’t want to get sauce-ked!
  • How do apples survive winter? They wear their core-digans!
  • What’s an apple’s least favorite weather? When it’s core-ing rain!

Apple Sports Puns πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

  • What’s an apple’s favorite Olympic event? The seed-athlon!
  • Why did the apple join the basketball team? It wanted to dunk!
  • How do apples play football? They run to the core-ner!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite baseball position? The pit-cher!
  • Why did the apple become a referee? To keep things fruit and fair!
  • How do apples celebrate victory? With a juice-bilee!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite tennis shot? The core-ner serve!
  • Why did the apple quit boxing? It got tired of taking the peels!
  • How do apples train for marathons? With core conditioning!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite golf club? The seed iron!

Apple Music Puns 🎡

Apple Music Puns 🎡
  • What’s an apple’s favorite instrument? The drum core!
  • Why did the apple join the band? It wanted to make seed music!
  • How do apples sing? In pear-fect harmony!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite music genre? Core-ntry!
  • Why did the apple become a DJ? To drop fresh beats!
  • How do apples dance? They do the twist and seed!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite musical? The Phantom of the Orchard!
  • Why did the apple take piano lessons? To learn its scales!
  • How do apples compose music? On their core-board!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite Beatles song? Here Comes the Bun!

Apple Travel Jokes πŸš—

  • Where do apples go on vacation? New Pork City!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite airline? Core-thwest Airlines!
  • How do apples pack for trips? They bring their core-drobe!
  • What’s an apple’s dream destination? The Big Apple!
  • Why did the apple visit Paris? For the Eiffel Flour!
  • How do apples travel overseas? On a cruise pip!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite hotel? The Core Seasons!
  • Why did the apple go backpacking? To find its roots!
  • How do apples navigate? With their core-pass!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite souvenir? A snow globe from Ice-land!
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Apple Science Puns πŸ”¬

  • What’s an apple’s favorite subject? Core-mistry!
  • Why did the apple join NASA? To explore outer seed-pace!
  • How do apples study biology? Under a micro-scope!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite element? Helium, it makes them lighter than air!
  • Why did the apple become a physicist? To study core-antum mechanics!
  • How do apples do experiments? With core-cision!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite theory? The Big Crunch!
  • Why did the apple win the Nobel Prize? For discovering seed-ativity!
  • How do apples measure temperature? In degrees Core-enheit!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite lab equipment? The seed-trifuge!

Apple Fashion Puns πŸ‘—

  • What’s an apple’s favorite designer? Calvin Peeling!
  • How do apples dress for winter? In core-digans!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite accessory? A pip-per necklace!
  • Why did the apple become a model? It had natural ap-peel!
  • How do apples shop? At the core-ner store!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite fabric? Seed-k!
  • Why did the apple join Fashion Week? To show off its fall collection!
  • How do apples style their hair? With apple mousse!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite brand? Fruit of the Loom!
  • Why did the apple wear sunglasses? To look core-l!

Apple Movie Puns 🎬

  • What’s an apple’s favorite horror movie? The Ex-core-cist!
  • Why did the apple become an actor? It wanted to be a big star-fruit!
  • How do apples watch movies? On their core-ch!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite film genre? Core-medy!
  • Why did the apple win an Oscar? For Best Pip-ture!
  • How do apples make movies? With special core-ffects!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite director? Steven Seed-lberg!
  • Why did the apple go to Hollywood? To become a fresh star!
  • How do apples audition? They show their core-acter!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite movie snack? Pop-core!

Apple Superhero Puns πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Apple Superhero Puns πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ
  • What’s an apple’s superhero name? The In-cider!
  • Why did the apple join the Avengers? It had core strength!
  • How do apple superheroes fly? With their super seeds!
  • What’s an apple’s secret identity? Bruce Grain!
  • Why did the apple wear a cape? To fight core-ruption!
  • How do apple heroes train? At the Justice Juice League!
  • What’s an apple’s superpower? Seed-leckinesis!
  • Why did the apple become a villain? It went rotten to the core!
  • How do apple heroes communicate? With their seed-nal!
  • What’s an apple’s kryptonite? The peeler of doom!

Apple History Puns πŸ“š

  • Who was the first apple emperor? Julius Seed-zar!
  • What did the apple say at the Boston Tea Party? Let’s get this par-tea started!
  • How do apples study history? By going to their roots!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite dynasty? The Ming Pip-nasty!
  • Why did the apple cross the Delaware? To make American his-tree!
  • How do apples remember the past? Through core-al history!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite period? The Re-fruit-sance!
  • Why did the apple join the Romans? To build the Ap-peel-an Way!
  • How do apples write history? With their core-respondence!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite battle? The Battle of Core-terloo!

Apple Mathematics Puns βž—

  • What’s an apple’s favorite math topic? Core-dinate geometry!
  • How do apples solve equations? Step by seed-p!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite shape? The seed-rcle!
  • Why did the apple ace geometry? It understood core-ners!
  • How do apples count? In pip-inary!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite number? Pi-pple!
  • Why did the apple join math club? To solve core-dratics!
  • How do apples measure angles? In de-seeds!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite theorem? Pip-thagoras!
  • Why did the apple become a mathematician? To study cal-core-lus!

Apple Magic Puns 🎩

  • What’s an apple magician called? David Core-perfield!
  • How do apples do magic? With slight of rind!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite spell? Core-pus Fruiticus!
  • Why did the apple join the circus? To perform core-juring tricks!
  • How do apples disappear? Through core-teleportation!
  • What’s an apple’s magical companion? A fruit dove!
  • Why did the apple study at Hogwarts? To master the dark tarts!
  • How do apples cast spells? With their magic seed!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite magic word? Pip-ity Poppity Poo!
  • Why did the apple become a wizard? It had natural core-isma!
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Apple Architecture Puns πŸ›οΈ

  • What’s an apple’s favorite building? The Empire Seed Building!
  • How do apples design houses? With core-inthian columns!
  • What’s an apple’s dream home? A core-ndo!
  • Why did the apple become an architect? To design fruit-ure spaces!
  • How do apples build skyscrapers? Floor by core!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite style? Post-modern-pip!
  • Why did the apple renovate? For a fresh ap-peel!
  • How do apples measure buildings? In square seed-t!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite structure? The Leaning Tower of Peel-sa!
  • Why did the apple win a design award? For its core-ative vision!

Apple Space Puns πŸš€

Apple Space Puns πŸš€
  • What’s an apple astronaut called? Core-monaut!
  • How do apples explore space? In their core-go ship!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite planet? Jupi-tart!
  • Why did the apple join NASA? To explore the Milky Whey!
  • How do apples navigate space? With their seed-PS!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite constellation? The Big Pip-per!
  • Why did the apple land on the moon? To plant its seed-flag!
  • How do apples communicate in space? Through core-smic waves!
  • What’s an apple’s space mission? To boldly grow!
  • Why did the apple build a telescope? To see other fruit-axies!

Apple Mythology Puns 🏺

  • What’s Zeus’s favorite fruit? The Golden Apple of Dis-core-d!
  • How do apples fight monsters? With their Me-juice-a shield!
  • What’s an apple oracle called? The Apple of Delphi!
  • Why did the apple join Mount Olympus? It was a demi-god of core-age!
  • How do apples cross the River Styx? On Core-on’s boat!
  • What’s Thor’s favorite apple? The As-guard-ian variety!
  • Why did Hercules steal apples? For his golden core-est!
  • How do Norse apples stay young? They eat I-dunn’s fruit!
  • What’s Atlas carrying? The weight of the seed world!
  • Why did the apple visit the underworld? To seed Hades!

Apple Art Puns 🎨

  • What’s an apple’s favorite painting? The Mona Lisa Pip!
  • How do apples paint? With fruit oils!
  • What’s an apple’s art style? Core-pressionism!
  • Why did the apple become an artist? It had a fruitful imagination!
  • How do apples sculpt? With core-ving tools!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite museum? The Core-vre!
  • Why did the apple join art school? To master still fruit!
  • How do apples draw? With their pip-cils!
  • What’s an apple’s masterpiece called? The Seeding of David!
  • Why did the apple paint landscapes? For the core-position!

Apple Literature Puns πŸ“–

  • What’s an apple’s favorite book? The Core-cher in the Rye!
  • How do apples write novels? On their seed processor!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite genre? Science Fruit-tion!
  • Why did the apple become a poet? It had deep core feelings!
  • How do apples tell stories? Through core-rative fiction!
  • What’s an apple’s favorite author? William Shake-spear!
  • Why did the apple join book club? For the plot juice!
  • How do apples publish books? Through Core-llins Publishers!
  • What’s an apple’s pen name? Edgar Apple Poe!
  • Why did the apple write memoirs? To share its core memories!

Apple Politics Puns 🎭

  • What’s an apple’s campaign slogan? Yes We Can-dy Apple!
  • How do apples vote? By core-respondence!
  • What’s an apple’s political party? The De-pip-crats!
  • Why did the apple run for office? To make a core difference!
  • How do apples debate? With seed-torical questions!
  • What’s an apple’s first law? Freedom of ex-peel-ssion!
  • Why did the apple join Congress? To fight for juice-tice!
  • How do apples lobby? Through grass-roots movements!
  • What’s an apple’s political system? De-mock-ra-seed!
  • Why did the apple become president? It wanted to lead from the core!

Apple Philosophy Puns πŸ€”

Apple Philosophy Puns πŸ€”
  • What’s an apple’s life motto? I think, therefore I yam!
  • How do apples meditate? Through core-fulness!
  • What’s an apple’s philosophy? Fruit-alism!
  • Why did the apple study ethics? To find its moral core-pass!
  • How do apples find meaning? Through deep core-templation!
  • What’s an apple’s paradox? To seed or not to seed!
  • Why did the apple become wise? It was en-light-ened!
  • How do apples seek truth? Through core-nitive reasoning!
  • What’s an apple’s wisdom? Knowledge is seed power!
  • Why did the apple question reality? To find its true pip-pose!


Well, folks, that wraps up our bushel of apple puns and jokes! Remember, these puns are like apples – they’re best when shared! So why not spread the joy and watch your friends’ faces crinkle with laughter (or perhaps playful groans)? After all, an apple pun a day keeps the boring conversations away! Feel free to pick your favorites and plant the seeds of humor wherever you go. Just remember – these jokes are ripe for the sharing, so core-dially pass them along! 🍎

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